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  đź•ŠPeaceHaven Learning Center : đź•ŠPeace for the Whole Brain and Body Testimonials: What Our Clients Say about PeaceHaven



Erin H.

Whole Brain Learning has helped me in not just one area of my life, but rather I have seen a change holistically. Physically I have moved beyond pain that plagued me for over 15 years. I also am able to sleep soundly at night--something that evaded me for many years.

Mentally I am able to"be present" and to focus my mind on my task at hand as well as planning for the future with calm.

Emotionally I am able to navigate what formerly would have caused nervous tension and jittery feelings. I have been able to let go of anger that I have held on to for years and step-by-step move to a place of feeling peace and stability at my core.

I am thankful to have tools to help me as I work through the challenges of daily life--to feel that I have not been defeated by them, but can now go forward being grounded physically, mentally and emotionally.

Apr 7, 18/ Ric Kolseth/ Adult/

Millie B

Some years ago I was deeply grieving the loss of my mother along with enormous guilt and sadness that perhaps I had not done enough for her. Through Beckie's healing touch using techniques of Brain Gym, she literally saved my life and lifted the burden of grief and guilt. To describe how the techniques work would be like describing to someone who has never tasted a strawberry, the sweetness and flavor which would be impossible as one must experience it for oneself. So it is with Brain Gym, you must experience it for yourself. Whatever the reason, stress, illness, grief, etc, Brain Gym works. In another instance I was scheduled to have surgery for carpel tunnel syndrome in both wrists. Two sessions with Beckie and I have never had any recurring issues!

Mar 28, 18/ Ric Kolseth/ Adult/

Cinda P.

I met Beckie Schwefel about 10 years ago but personally never used her services until my mother had a severe stroke 4 years ago. I called Beckie when Mom was in the hospital and told her where the stroke occurred and asked if anything could be done. Beckie told me exactly what to do and how to do it. I followed her instructions and Mom was home in very good shape soon thereafter.

One year later Mom had another stroke but this time much more severe than the first one. She couldn’t swallow and had to have a feeding tube. They sent me a palliative care dr. to discuss options for Mom since she was not able to walk, focus or talk. They said she would probably be a vegetable and I should prepare for that. My mother was in the hospital 2.5 weeks before spending 3 months in rehab. The physical & occupational therapists gave up on believing Mom could make progress but the speech therapist kept pursuing her.

I called Beckie the day Mom entered the hospital for the second stroke and again, she walked me thru what needed to be done, this time for a different type of stroke. I kept calling Beckie and she kept working with me as Mom progressed. She had her feeding tube removed 7 weeks later as she was able to eat again. They considered that a miracle! No doctor expected Mom to make it and yet she has.

At 86 she now lives with us and is fairly independent. She uses a walker when she goes outside, can read & interact well with people and enjoys her great grandchildren. Mom is a far cry from the “vegetable” that I was told she would be. I thank God for the gifts He has given Beckie. She is intuitive, caring, highly skilled and listens to her clients’ needs. Her assessments are always accurate and produce phenomenal results. Without Beckie, I don’t know that Mom would still be here but I am thankful we have had the opportunity to work with her. I just wish everyone could!

Mar 12, 18/ Beckie/ Adult/