Erin H.
Whole Brain Learning has helped me in not just one area of my life, but rather I have seen a change holistically. Physically I have moved beyond pain that plagued me for over 15 years. I also am able to sleep soundly at night--something that evaded me for many years.
Mentally I am able to"be present" and to focus my mind on my task at hand as well as planning for the future with calm.
Emotionally I am able to navigate what formerly would have caused nervous tension and jittery feelings. I have been able to let go of anger that I have held on to for years and step-by-step move to a place of feeling peace and stability at my core.
I am thankful to have tools to help me as I work through the challenges of daily life--to feel that I have not been defeated by them, but can now go forward being grounded physically, mentally and emotionally.